Wellcome to National Portal
Main Comtent Skiped

Service List
Right to paid services

1. Soil Survey Services:
   1. Semi-Detailed Survey - Upazila, Union.
   2. Detailed survey - farms, special research plots.
2. Publication Services- Upazila Nirdeshika, Union Sohayika, Leaflets, Festoons, Documentary Films, Booklets, Posters are distributed among demand based extension workers, researchers, NGO workers, fertilizer dealers and progressive farmers as per rules.
3. Survey and management of problematic soils - waterlogging, silt.

4. ICT Services – Providing online fertilizer recommendations, digital maps.
5. Analytical Services - Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer.

6. Farmer Services - Training, advice on soil management and crop production, issuance of fertilizer recommendation cards, analysis of soil, fertilizer and water samples. Soil nutrient analysis through permanent laboratory at any time for fertilizer recommendation for any crop/crop arrangement as per requirement, just approach the farmer. A fee of Rs.58.00 is charged.
7. Training services

   1. Providing training to agricultural extension, research and NGO workers at district and upazila levels, progressive farmers on the use of land and soil          resources of the respective areas.
   2. Provide training to farmers on proper management of soil and water in crop production, application of balanced fertilizers, identification of adulterated fertilizers and innovative technologies.
8. Operation of Mobile Soil Laboratory (MSTL)- A fee of only Tk 25.00 is charged from the farmer for analyzing P, K, S, pH at pre-announced times and recommending fertilizer for any crop/crop arrangement as per requirement. Fertilizer recommendation cards based on crop/crop formation are provided as per demand by analyzing soil samples instantly.

9. Research/Demonstration Plots and Field Days
10. Mapping Services – Preparation and supply of maps on land and soil resources, land use.

11. Technology Transfer Services – Technologies developed in land and soil resource management are transferred among agricultural extension workers, researchers, NGO workers, fertilizer dealers and progressive farmers through training, seminars and research/demonstration plots, field days and induction tours.